--[ Call for Everything Opening Soon!

Just a heads up - the calls for presentations, villages, and workshops will tentatively open in late November 2023!

Now is the time to collect your thoughts and brainstorm ideas before the submission forms go online!

AvengerCon is nothing without its community! Come share your passion: whether it be a talk on a project or hobby, a hands-on activity, or a particular skill you think would benefit the community, we would love to showcase your work.

We expect to be able to accomodate both in-person and remote contributors with our hybrid event.

Please reach out through the website contact form with any questions!

Who can contribute?

What kind of content contributors are we looking for? While we are happy to host presenters and instructors of every rank or level of seniority, please note that AvengerCon prioritizes submissions from junior Soldiers and Civilians. An enduring goal of AvengerCon is to provide an opportunity and platform for junior cyber professionals to build their technical expertise and develop themselves professionally.

AvengerCon also seeks to host content suitable for a variety of workroles, interests, and experience levels in our audience. Presentations covering basics and fundamentals are equally welcome alongside advanced topics and cutting-edge research.

Why should you consider submitting a proposal?

To be sure, becoming a presenter, workshop instructor, or village contributor for an event like AvengerCon requires a substantial investment of study and preparation.

However, the benefits of being a content contributor are many, for both you and the larger AvengerCon community! First, the ability to present (or instruct) is an important and useful skill for any professional. The process of preparing and presenting/instructing about a topic you are passionate about is a great way to deepen your understanding of that topic. You might also inspire aspiring hackers to learn more about that topic or meet others that share your interests. Finally, presenting or instructing is a great way to get recognized for your expertise in a topic or skill, especially if you don’t get to exercise that skill in the course of your everyday duties.